Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year, New adventure.....

The idea of a keeping a blog has been in my mind for several years and has always been accompanied with excuses as to why not to start it.  The main one, I have accepted recently, is that I want to hit the ground perfect.  Anyone who knows me isn't surprised, and those who have been on this journey with me the past few years aren't surprised that I'm just foraging ahead anyway, none the wiser.

What will this blog be about? How often will I write? Will I remember to spellcheck?  Will it ever be interesting?  Well, I have no idea to be honest.  But what I do know is that I've reached a point in my life where I am happy, I am confident in what I am doing for the first time in a long time, and I want to capture it in writing.  There will be lots of tales from the farm, some funny, some which might be funny in years to come, some which might be sad.  I have big plans for this little homestead and the queasy pit in my stomach tells me I'm afraid to fail, so I must be on the right track. There will undoubtedly be tales of parenthood, which has guided so much of my journey these past few years.  There might be knitting and spinning as I try to push my fiber hobby and affection into something more accomplished, despite my lack of clear talent.  You will just have to tune in to see. What I can promise you, is that it will be from the heart.  And it is my hope that I can impart some laughs, some comfort, some useful information to those of you who choose to read.

And with that.....let's begin....

Petey the goat.  Our latest addition.

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